As some of you may know, it was getting cancelled from social media that led me to create my Substack. However, I’ve been really enjoying this platform, as it’s offered me so much more expansiveness and opportunity to be supported as a Writer than the paltriness Instagram provides, so I’ve been rolling with it ever since.
On this page, I am offering a window into the heart and soul behind my writing, so you can get to know my process and have an idea of what moves me to write.
About Me
I am first and foremost, an Artist. My work spans through several mediums, including Film, Dance, and Writing. This blog is (primarily) my Literary platform. As a Writer, I’m a mix of a memoirist, essayist, poet, and scholar. I create from the heart—as, when, and how inspiration flows to me.
What I Create…
My writings are inspired by my own life journey, and always have been.
I share thought pieces and creative writings on my healing and wellness, navigating as a creative entrepreneur, as an Artist, and my embodiment a sapphic woman.
…Musings and offerings of wisdom as a rare bird and eclectic being, creating her own lane, and walking this troubled, yet beautiful planet.
I also publish well-researched, uncensored essays on gender ideology, emphasizing how black women are impacted. Sometimes, these will include stories from my own journey, and/or amplification of other black women’s voices on the subject matter. I am very knowledgeable and passionate about women’s empowerment at a holistic level, starting with me, and encompassing all of us.
I create primarily in writing, as well as audio and video formats.
When I Create…
I create intuitively, when I am moved and inspired to.
Sometimes, it just feels like I’m just a vessel for god’s outpouring; the divine relentlessly flowing through my fingers until I am satisfied.
The words just have to flow through me, and then I have to be in resonance with the idea that now is the time that I ought to share that particular thing I have written. I trust myself, and I have learned that it’s best to respect my natural flow, not rush things, and not push.
I tend to publish on a weekly-ish schedule, about 2-4x, per month.
This is just to say that, I am an Artist, and I am committed to creating authentic, heartfelt, quality work-which is not something that I can just manufacture on a clock.
Regardless, I am deeply committed to nurturing this space, to my writing as a craft & authentic outlet of self-expression, and to cultivating a relationship with my readers.
With this in mind, I would appreciate if those who choose to become paid subscribers, do so, not based on an expectation that I will constantly produce a certain thing at a certain rate—but to offer an exchange from their heart, knowing that they are supporting me to holistically nourish my vessel, to fully show up in the world as the abundant, valuable, creator and integral voice that I am, and to have privileged access to all of the exclusive work I create.
Why Being a Paid Subscriber is Awesome
I will always have some quality free content available on my blog. Some of my greatest hits are intentionally free, to increase accessibility of critical perspectives.
However…more than half of my blog is exclusively available to paid members. When you become a paid subscriber, you receive the full spectrum of what I have to offer through this platform.
Paying Subscribers receive:
Full Access to my entire archive of writing, video, and audio posts, including the meat and potatoes behind the free previews I share with all subscribers.
Essays and Thought Pieces that offers a more in-depth or niche perspective on hot-button issues.
More intimate & personal essays that I feel more comfortable sharing with a smaller audience.
Exclusive access to live virtual events and/or video replays of discussions.
Ability to comment and join the community discussion on all posts.
With that said, I’ve created a referral program to subsidize access to my work. Each person you refer to my blog through a “share” button on one of my blog posts, or through a referral button 👇🏾 earns you points towards a paid monthly subscription!
P.S. Check out some notes from a few of my paid subscribers. (You’re all so kind!)
Connect With Me
I am very present with my Blog, and I LOVE hearing from my readers and receiving likes and comments. Receiving words of resonance on my writing truly nourishes me, it is what makes writing here worth it, and it’s what keeps me going. So please don’t be shy to reach out.
Follow me on Notes—Substack is currently the only social media I have, and I am enjoying the community here!
P.S. I’m an Author!
I also write books, and I have published a memoir. I also have memoirettes—shorter memoirs that I have published as ebooks. These are only available for women readers (some of them are only for sapphic women✨) and they are available by request.
You’ll be able to purchase my books via my official website shop, here.
Thank yew! Enjoy 🌺