Where I work in nonprofit the younger people have been so indoctrinated into gender ideology that they don't know anything else. We were all talking about removing honorifics from our database and the 25 year old said, we'll, just use "Mx." I didn't even occur to her that people wouldn't understand that. On of the senior staff explained thay our older donors would see this as a typo. But that senior staff member, who I believe is in her late 50s and 60s, is just going along with it, as our the other staff members who may be confused but still want to be nice.

They honestly don't understand it's full extent and harm. My supervisor explained some older donors' adherence to honorifics and "younger people's" ideas of gender. But of course it isn't the same. That is why all the substacks saying gender is done, etc., are misguided. It is not. The younger generation knows nothing else.

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Yes, they are ignorant and that's why I said ignorance is bliss. But the extent to which they self-righteously defend their ignorance and refuse to engage in critical thinking is their own choice.

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So it seems like our allies in this are Conservatives... And Radical Feminists. Strange bedfellows.

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