Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

Please make this article public, if it is not. Amazing READ as per usual. ALL Black Women should get up on what the Trans movement is doing. Regarding Imane, he didn't even say he had DSD. The TRAs pulled that out of their ass from that one IBA document. Its wild that HE is also MUSLIM. These are MUSLIM men. They could have easily trained a Muslim woman to take home that gold. But they hate women so much and are probably inequipped to train anyone, that they used womanhood to sneak a man into the Olympics. They didn't want for a WOMAN to be the one to bring an Olympic GOLD to Algeria. That is how much these men HATE women. Calling him a woman and in his country, he never donned a Hijab ONCE...but now, for the Olympics, he is a female?? This whole thing is sad and evil.

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That’s a great point that he never had to wear hijab. So true. Thank you for reading! Yes, the article is public-you are welcome to share it.

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Also note the pictures of him with males draping their arms all over him and hugging him while he's "crying" over the injustice of people legitimately questioning his female status. Can you even imagine a Muslim woman being in a photo with multiple non related men touching her like that? She'd be flogged into next year when she got home.

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Don’t be ridiculous! Algeria is not Saudi Arabia, or Afghanistan. Anyone attempting to flog Khelif would themselves face criminal prosecution for assault.

I greet both male and female Algerian friends with a kiss (actually usually three kisses, as is the local custom in Oran), and this is not (except perhaps in some out-of-the-way village) regarded as in any way remarkable.

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cold facts

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Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

The crazy thing is that Jihadists slaughter gays and lesbians. It's why trans surgeries are quite common in Jihad countries. In those countries it is actually life saving treatment because it's a form of conversation therapy that saves gays/lesbians from being thrown off tall buildings. I wonder if they'll make the argument that denying this male boxer his identity as a woman is islamophobia.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

ALSO....the birth certificate that the TRAs are screaming that says that he is a FEMALE was issued in 2018, when he started his boxing career. I just can't believe or get over the lying and gaslighting. Women in Algeria don't BOX. These men are POOR. They saw previous MEN pull the same stunt and get away with it. They could have trained a girl but girls in that country are limited in male sports. They are limited in everything. He trained with one woman and she wore a baseball cap on top of her Hijab and they literally called her the devil. When you see the footage of him in Algeria, he is living his best life as a MAN. This is awful! Another MAN would have to do the same shit...then throw the fight to an actual woman for women to ever get back on top of a sport division made for them. Its a HUGE mess

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Aug 8Liked by N3VLYNNN

Conveniently, his birth certificate was issued a month before he would have had to report for mandatory military service, as a man. What a coinky dink!

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No money in the military. More money in boxing. The footage of him in Algeria is mouth watering.

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Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

Once again, Nevlynnn, you hit the nail on the head, bang on!

After seeing the end of that boxing match I literally started to cry. Watching Angela break down into tears felt like an iconic moment in trans ideology's colonisation of women's spaces, activities and identities. I don't know what's worse: the injustice of a man fighting in a women's event, the disgust of seeing a man belt the sh*t out of a woman, or the reaction of trans ideologues defending both and using racism to attempt to bolster their indefensible positions.

The most terrifying thing about wokism is that it creates hierarchies of humanity and those at the top are more worthy of sympathy, compassion, and understanding, than those beneath them. Men claiming to be women occupy the penthouse suite of this hierarchy, and anyone who questions their delusional beliefs gets shoved to the basement.

That includes black people. Your needs, your history, your ongoing struggles are nothing in comparison to teh desires of men pretending to be women and colonising women's spaces. But take heart if you can in the fact that you're not alone. There are only two stories and a basement in this structural hierarchy. On top are the men in lipstick, next are those who support them, and in the basement is everyone else. And it doesn't matter how oppressed you actually are.

Trans ideology is not a movement of material reality. It's a movement of belief. What determines your position in the hierarchy isn't what you do or what you struggle against, but what you think. To echo J K Rowling, there used to be a word for that. Authorism? Auto-arianism? Oh yeah, authoritarianism!

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Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts! I watched the match too and the comments talking about how Angela lost because she’s a weak, unqualified athlete were very upsetting. Then, I found the racist arguments and that really fired me up!

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Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

You really have to wonder if these people actually believe what they think or if deep down they doubt themselves and compensate for that doubt with absolutism. And you're right about the connection to race: they will contort every struggle and every people to advance their own agenda, regardless of the cost to those people.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

Totally agree with what you’re saying. I remember this sort of weaponisation around Caster Semenya where people would say: “so you’re saying all black women are men/look like men.”.

No….the very reason Semenya is singled out is specifically because black women do look like women and we can see with our own eyes when someone is not. There's a reason why the man with a dsd got the scrutiny he got and not other black female athletes.

On top of that, we have proof of Semenya’s DSD condition and admission from himself that he has testicles and that apparently doesn’t make him: “any less of a woman” (his words). And still people’s only response is: “you think all black women look like men!”.

Although Simone Biles, Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce, Athing Mu, Christine Ohuruogu, Alycia Parks and others will receive racist and misogynistic abuse online, their biological sex is not seriously scrutinised like Semenya because they are female and we can all see that. This trans/dsd conversation always seems to be a convenient way to shoehorn in this idea that black women are not feminine, when in fact we are not even talking about black women.

Their own racism, as you said, is showing.

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Exactly, thank you.

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What's crazy is that all the people defending Imane's "femaleness" are...men, from his father to his coaches to the men in his federation.

Not a single woman from the entire MENA region who knows Imane on any level (including his mother & other female relatives) has come out in defense of Imane's gender. Isn't that strange, considering the fact that Imane is representing them in their (a woman's) sport?

Even the hijabi sparring partner in one of Imane's IG clips/photos hasn't said anything confirming that Imane is a biological woman?

At the end of the day if you have tested positive for Y chromosomes you shouldn't be in women's sports. And no, taking testosterone or steroids do not magically give biological women Y chromosomes.

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I so agree. Thank you so much for this brilliant post. Serena and Venus are such handsome women, as is Brittney Griner. It's wonderful to see women who allow themselves to look and be strong, instead of trying to shrink themselves. But the men and too many women hate it. (I had the misfortune of glancing at the women's volleyball that showed skinny white women wearing the skimpiest bikinis imaginable. No wonder girls without support think they must be male if that creeps them out.)

For days I've been battling the hatred aimed an any woman saying that Imane is of course a man. I've been insulted in all the usual ways but have kept posting proof, like the videos showing him grabbing Carini's breast (classic male way to unnerve an opponent that no woman would ever do in front of a camera), reaching in his shorts to "adjust" what looks clearly like his prick and testicles, again right in front of the camera, but in other photos wearing a cup on the outside that women boxers don't wear, photos of him exuding such male entitlement and arrogance with his body language, and much more. And yes, it's Carini who is ridiculed as not being as good.

I also do not believe Imane was perceived as female at birth or is any form of "intersex" or has DSD. This keeps being said but without any proof, and I think his fellow soldiers in the Algerian army (that does not allow women to join) would have noticed:

This is from an Algerian page. Imane constantly refers to himself as a man.


'Since 2016-2017, since I was a boy child (دراري), they saw in me a plan to become an Olympic hero (male word for hero)

Interviewer: Iman, you are know as an Algerian (he used the word عليك as in male).

Iman: I am a male soldier. I served in the army for Algeria. I say to people that I'm a human creature'.

May be an image of 1 person and text

Then I've gotten lectures about how he's a Butch woman, as if I'm not Butch since girlhood and know better than they do who we are. Butches are not male, do not look male, and are closer to natural female than women who obey male-identified fake feminine rules. Brittney IS Butch and looks nothing like a man.

And then the appropriating and pretense of fighting racism as you described so clearly is such a part of this mess. Yes, this does show how racist the trans cult truly is. Thank you again!

Oh, I really wanted to write in support of you after your last post but I can't afford to subscribe to anyone though I will always share on facebook, etc....

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Hi Bev, thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. I'm curious about the Algerian interview you mentioned where Imane refers to himself as a man. Do you have a link to that?

Also, I appreciate your support on my last post. I am still moving through the whole thing and it's a lot. Thank you 🙏🏾

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No, I'm sorry but that's all I saw online, but will look for it to show up again with more information. I really want to support you about family and how you're being treated. xoxox

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Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

Excellent piece. I totally agree

& just shared this on social media.

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Thanks, Chenelle! 💜

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Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

Bravo! I want more people to see this article.

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Thank you! Me too, I am sharing it widely. You’re welcome to share it too 💜

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Aug 7Liked by N3VLYNNN

Mic dropped. You said it ALL. Thank you.

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Yay! Thank you Sia 🥰🎙✨

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Aug 8Liked by N3VLYNNN

Beautiful xx

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Where's the evidence she's intersex? Seems pretty pathetic to say that without backing it up.

Per your own link: "the IBA, which no longer oversees Olympic boxing amid concerns about its integrity and links to Russia..."

So are you going to link to some kind of credible evidence? Not a disgraced organization that isn't even involved?

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This is a strawman argument and it is derailing from the primary subject matter of this post. You have nothing of value to add to the heart of what I've written, so you are detracting the conversation to something else.

Others have responded to questions like this on my Reddit post where I shared this article, and you're welcome to discuss and debate further there. I will not tolerate this discussion on my actual blog. You and others will be blocked.

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Aug 8Liked by N3VLYNNN

Thank goodness. Give them zero oxygen

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Aug 8Liked by N3VLYNNN

Two separate independent labs, approved by the Swiss Court of Arbitration for Sport, tested these men genetically and both returned results showing them to be XY.

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this article explains how both the male boxers failed tests that determine XX or XY (male or female).

the fact that IOC rules allow biological males to complete in womens sports doesnt help the issue. the IOC has been scammed by the same activist misinformation under the cover of night that other governmental and regulatory agencies world wide have been conned into. gender ideology is a religion that harms vulnerable groups such as women, kids, ppl with psych issues, gays and others to benefit males who pretend to be marginalized but arent.

Imane Khelif: woman, man or trans? Here's what we really know


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