Greetings Everyone,
I’m happy to share my latest interview with
. This was a very fun and interesting conversation, and we covered lots of unique topics, including:My journey towards waking up to gender ideology, from my 2013 Youtube video “Transwomen are not Female” up to the present day.
How I have amplified black detrans lesbian voices & how that led to my social media cancellation in 2023.
My journey as a Pole Dancer & how Pole Dance studios have shifted from their origins as female-only Art and Fitness spaces to be “inclusive” of men (I definitely want to write about this in the future!)
How Trans Rights Activists latched onto the Black Lives Matter movement to gain legitimacy (might write about this too…it’s definitely irked me as of late.)
My essay, “How The Trans Movement is Erasing Black Women From History” about the black lesbian writer, activist & scholar, Pauli Murray.
Check it out!
I’d like to offer a warm welcome to my new subscribers. Thank you for joining us.
I’ve noticed that several of you have been thoroughly enjoying my cancellation stories: retellings of how I have navigated real-life situations where I’m confronted with gender ideology and cancel culture in my personal life and relationships. I get that they are relatable and maybe even a little cathartic. Here’s a few of my recent stories:
I Made a Transman Uncomfortable at the Dinner Table
I Got Cancelled by an Old Friend
Getting Cancelled Changed My Life For the Better
If you’ve already read these, not to worry—with how I am moving through life, I’m sure there will be plenty more to come! 👍🏾
Also, thank you to those who are supporting my blog through a paid subscription.
I’m a full-time independent Artist, Writer, and Scholar, and I pour everything I have into the work I do here, so it means a lot when my readers pour back into me too.
My intention is to build my blog into a sustainable means of income so that I can continue sharing my voice with the world from an empowered space.
If you’d like to tangibly support my work and gain access to the full breadth of the writings I publish here, please consider investing in a paid subscription.
Finally, thank to those who are sharing my writing! This is another huge way to support my work. I offer rewards to those who are helping me grow my audience through shares.
What did you think of this interview? Feel free to leave a comment as you read, and connect with me on Notes. I love hearing from y’all!
Till next time 🌺