This morning, I woke up and saw that my Instagram and Facebook accounts were suspended. Within the past couple of days, I have done a lot of research to amplify the stories of several black detrans women. I was sharing links to their videos and platforming them in my stories.
By the time I was going to bed, those stories were being circulated on social media. Other people were sharing and new people were visiting and following my page. By the time I woke up, my social media accounts were gone.
Not only are my personal Artist and Brand pages gone…but also, My Sapphic WOC community space that I am growing on Facebook, is also disabled. My facebook page for my documentary film (which is currently my bread and butter), and several other entrepreneurial groups I’m part of are inaccessible-including a private group that I paid for special access to, as part of a business course I’m taking. So as you may imagine, I am hoping that this ban is very temporary.
However In the wake of this, I’ve chosen to find a space where I can write about gender critical issues without fear of censorship.
I am a full-time Artist and self-employed individual. My social media page is a site for me to share my humanity, my Artistry, to collaborate, and gain resources. I am not-and have never been- interested in devoting and/or sacrificing my entire social media platform for gender critical issues. My social media is for me as a whole person, my Artistry, and my businesses.
Gender critical perspectives are part of that mix, but it is not the whole. If this one part of me is so unwelcome on those major platforms, to the point where they can just Poseidon my whole sh*t down in one fell swoop, it means I will need to be mindful of how much I share in those spaces, and cultivate new spaces where I am sovereign.
This means-if and when I am able to regain access to my accounts, I will be focusing more on sharing my other interests and creative pursuits on IG and FB. I’ve noticed that my pole dancing, wellness, and other interests have taken a back seat, in favor of gender critical postings in my stories. Part of this is just because of where I am in life, since I haven’t been in a super juicy/sexy/creative space, but I want to change that. I want those other parts of my life to have more room to breathe and express, because honestly my healing journey is the most important thing to me.
I’ve noticed I have attracted a growing constituency of women who follow me, primarily or exclusively for my writings on this topic. I don’t want to there to be a narrow focus on my views on this topic, such that it overshadows the other gifts I bear. But I do know that I have a strong voice and integral perspective. So for those who are particularly interested in my writings, my videos, my intellectual and personal voice that speaks to present-day issues, they can support me here.
As far my gender-critical views, I will be using social media as a space to share samples and links to my work on Substack. Instagram will no longer be the home of my gender-critical writings.
I would rather my social and political views have their own unique space to be shared where they are free from censorship and cancellation.
I also realize that I devote a lot of time and energy towards writing on gender critical issues when I am inspired, and I deserve to be paid for my writing.
I am hoping this platform can open a new chapter for me to have a distinctive and more expansive space to share my perspective and lived experience.